
The official foundation was established out of a desire to promote the military and civic excellence of the Maglan unit’s soldiers and veterans through holistic support. The association also works to support bereaved families and citizens of the State of Israel.

Today, more than ever, we support Maglan soldiers in the front line.

Donations and visits

For enquiries about donations or visits, please contact Itay, Head of Donor Relations, at

To read the organization’s documents

including income tax approval regarding donations, organization transparency and organization documents

Contact us

When you support our fighters and soldiers, you’re helping to create a spirit of giving that lasts a lifetime. Your donations directly benefit the unit’s personnel, reserves and in duty soldiers, making a tangible impact on the front lines.
With your continued support, we can keep fighting for our community and our nation.


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Donations are for the soldiers and their families and are distributed with due care and attention. Donations cannot be specified for a specific team and their distributions is at the sole discretion of the foundation and according to its constitution.

Please enter your contact information before transferring the donation (IBAN details will be shared).

Donations are for the soldiers and their families and are distributed with due care and attention. Donations cannot be specified for a specific team and their distributions are at the sole discretion of the foundation and according to its constitution.

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